Contact Us

Leftfade Trails may be contacted by email. Send an email to Leftfadetrails at gmail dot com.

Please do not send advertisements or spam mail to this mailing address. This address is used to contact the website author and creator, Old Sean about questions, concerns and comments regarding the site.

If you choose to contact Leftfade Trails regarding anything, make sure all information is placed directly in the email. Do not include any attachments, links, hyperlinks or images which operate as links. These links will not be opened and only the content written in the email will be seen.

If you’re writing to Leftfade Trails wishing to write content, articles or for other opportunities, expect to hear back within 30 days. If you do not receive a response by then, consider your request denied. Sadly, there is too much mail to individually respond to everyone.

We receive a huge volume of mail every day. We’ll always try to respond quickly as possible.

With that being said, many emails have raised the same questions multiple times. Below is a swift Q/A.

  1. Question: How do you plan your trips and itineraries? / Leftfade Trails has a few articles advising on that process. But generally speaking, I research online, ask people what’s good when I arrive, and then plan my walking or driving route in one direction, so I don’t loop back.
  2. I’ve found an error/link failure/typo on the website. Who do I contact? / You’re in the right place. Notify us of any issues on the website by emailing us here.
  3. I have a question regarding your terms of use or privacy policy. Who do I contact? / If you have questions about Leftfade Trails terms of use or privacy policy, email us here.
  4. I have an international medical insurance plan. Do I need travel insurance? / Yes, please protect yourself with travel insurance. Travel insurance covers events that medical insurance does not, such as theft, flight cancellations, hotel cancellations, natural disasters, emergencies and more. Always travel with coverage.
  5. 5. Your content offended me, who do I complain to? / You can lodge your complaint right here by emailing us. This website was never designed to cause any distress, only provide travel advice and entertain others with stories. While most content will stay up, we try to look at all complaints on a case by case basis. If we feel that change is needed, we will do so. We thank you for your patience in these cases, as it may take some time to review and consider our response.
  6. Can I join you on your next trip? Where are you heading? / For safety reasons, this website doesn’t broadcast future travel plans. While individuals emailing us won’t receive an invitation, the world is a spontaneous place. There’s always a chance we’ll run into each other out there.
  7. Do you remember me? Why didn’t you mention/post my photo on your website? / It’s true, I’ve met many people on my journeys. However, I prefer using pseudonyms for my friends, family and fellow travelers to protect their identities and wellbeing. If you star in one of this website’s articles, posts or adventures, you may be written in under a pseudonym. Know that I cherish the people I’ve met and I have no wish to reveal their personal information unnecessarily. Additionally, this prevents the unwanted promotion of potential, accidental unflattering material. If you truly want your photo or identity online, you’ll need to tell me and provide written permission before you’re included. This is also true for other travel bloggers I’ve met on the road.
  8. Where do you think I should travel to next? / Leftfade Trails has an excellent destination page with recommendations from time personally spent there. But overall, it’s up to you, the traveler, and whatever your heart says.
  9. Where are you from? / Old Sean is from the United States Midwest. Beyond that, he’s moved around enough to render the answer moot.
  10. Do you speak any other languages? / Yes, Old Sean speaks several languages, all quite poorly. That includes my rather bad English.