
“Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world” -Gustav Flaubert

Oh, The Places to Go

Living in the Information Age is an enormously potent resource for travelers. People can now go to many world destinations with foreknowledge while thriving in their new settings.

However, the internet is notorious for sheer volume. Instead of contributing to the crashing hoard of digital information, the places listed here are more focused.

Every place on the list below is one I’ve personally visiting. I sincerely hope it helps.

Best regards and excellent trails,

Old Sean

North America

A rushing torrent of water crests over large boulders while sheer mountains and tall pines tower in the background

Central America

South America

Blue waters surrounded by narrow mountains and a large city in Rio, Brazil, South America


Five figures harvest salt from water by using poles and pouring buckets

South Asia

The Taj Mahal shown in golden light with a small crowd in front of the white, stately building



A colorful series of buildings in the winter at night in Prague, Europe with numerous lights reflecting off a river and castles

The Middle East

Carved into stone cliffs with reddish hues and standing pillars, the entrance to Petra rises over a desert walkway, an archaeological city in southern Jordan, in the Middle East