
Australia is a unique nation, vast beyond belief and defined by spectacular landscapes. The continent and country is the oldest, flattest and driest inhabited continent on Earth, with the vast majority of it’s territory defined by unfarmable soils.

Despite this, the coasts of Australia are home to enormous cityscapes, huge skyscrapers, vast shipping networks, incredible driving highways and endless beaches. The nation is culturally diverse, highly skilled and infused with an ancient, aboriginal cultural background.

Visitors traveling to Australia can enjoy central deserts, tropical rainforests of the north, sharp mountain ranges, large marine reserves, unique flora and fauna, the living superstructure Great Barrier Reef, rolling wine countries and famous outback. Other parts of the nation hole pink salt-lakes, sparkling white beaches and dramatic cliffs.

Best of all, Australia is home to some of the strangest and most wild animals on Earth. Dingoes, kangaroos, wallabies, platypuses, flying foxes, rock penguins, parakeet flocks, wombats, koalas, quokkas and many more claim this massive landmass as their home.

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Melbourne, Victoria

Old Sean in Australia

Australia is one of the most beautiful and intense places I’ve ever visited. The night life is compelling, the countryside is gorgeous and the animals are beyond bizarre and adorable. For all this, I’ve only been to Australia a couple of times, without long stays.

However, Australia has remained lodged firmly in my memories and imagination. The hot bush-country, the vast seaside cliffs, the hyper-modern cities and the delightful, adventures accents of locals are all impossible to forget.

Someday, I intend to return and spend far more time in the nation. But in the meantime, my time in Australia is a great source of entertainment and insight as I continue to travel.

Best regards and excellent trails,

Old Sean