Visiting Toulouse: Momentary Reflections

“I don’t think I’ve quite learned how to travel, rest and work in a well-balanced manner yet. Oh, well.” – Old Sean

Yawn Until Dawn

After leaving Tours and breifly walking around Loches, I finally arrived in Toulouse. I got to my hotel in the early evening after several hours of cutting through the countryside on a swift and admittedly comfortable train.

Toulouse is a very bright city. With pale buildings, bright, warm-tiled roofs and terra cotta bricks, it’s an interesting area to walk around.

Sadly, I didn’t get to do much exploring. I had paperwork for most of the day. After arriving at my hotel, I worked for a few hours, only venturing outside to get some dinner near the Basilica of Our Lady of the Daurade.

While I should have gone back to my hotel to continue working immediately, I lingered, enjoying the night-lit view of the river around Pont Neuf.

Sadly, I probably lingered too long. I ended up getting back and having far more work than anticipated. Weary, I finished as much as I could, only have enough time to rapidly write this and catch four hours of sleep. Dawn is already calling.

I don’t think I’ll have much time in the morning before my bus leaves. I’m more interested in getting to Spain than visiting Toulouse anyway.

Hence, tomorrow I will ride for Pamplona.  I’ve missed the Running of the Bulls event, but I’m sure it’ll still be nice to visit.

Until Spain,

Best regards and excellent trails,

Old Sean

Written July 30th, 2018

Read more about visiting Toulouse and seeing the world by visiting Leftfade Trails Destination Advice.

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Jade Travel Yoga Mat

I picked up my yoga mat three years ago during a trip to Mexico. The Jade Travel Yoga Mat is light enough to roll up and attach it to the outside of my bag. It now doubles as my workout mat and a sleeping mat when I need to rest somewhere odd.

Old Sean Written by: