Travel Styles

The Many Modes of Travel

Beyond learning how to travel, it’s also vital for people experiencing the world to understand the different travel styles.

Traveling solo or in a group or in a relationship all change the travel experience greatly.

The following articles discuss different ways of experiencing travel itself, and how it may change a person’s planning and experience.

Best regards and excellent trails,

Old Sean

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Read Articles on Types of Travel

Old Sean Thoughts

How a person travels determines so much. It can be the quintessential defining factor in an experience.

The revelations I felt while traveling alone in spectacular settings cemented what I wanted to do with my life. Intimate road trips with a good friend provided me a home for myself in the United States, whenever I might need it. And a trip with the boys, through the Rocky Mountains, led to more adventures than I can easily recall. Whenever we meet, we reminisce about the experience, marveling at all we did.

Traveling does something special to people. It allows them to be themselves, free from the constraints of an original, stagnant environment. The greater and lesser attributes of a person rise more readily. And the best of traits win out during the tribulations of a journey.

The effects are difficult to overstate. They’re difficult, for that matter, to define.

But for the dust on my boots and the people I’ve walked alongside, I’m no longer the same man.

No true journey leaves a person the unmoved.

Best regards and excellent trails,

Old Sean.