South America

An Overview of South America

South America is a thriving continent of extreme features, best known as home to the enormous Amazon Basin, the world’s longest river, the driest desert in the world and the dramatic Andes Mountains curving along the West. Other profoundly interesting features include the mirror-like Uyuni Salt Flat of Bolivia, the massive geoglyphs known as the Nazca Lines, the legendary Galapagos Islands, the ancient statues of Easter Island, the daunting Iguazu Falls and the glorious Torres del Paine of Patagonia.

Aside from the country’s incredible geography and the largest range of biodiversity in the world, the nation is also home to hundreds of unique cultures. A combination of vast empires, indigenous tribes, Spanish colonials, Portuguese influences and waves of settlers has made South America a mixed, varied and vibrant portion of the world.

Additionally, the continent is home to some of the most impressive civilizations in the world, who continue to influence technology, lifestyles and events into the modern era. This includes the mountaintop fortresses and stone systems of the Incas, the golden legend bearers known as the Muisca and the Tiwanaku people of Lake Titicaca, the world’s highest-altitude navigable lake. The continent is also home to the largest concentration of uncontacted tribes on Earth.

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View the Countries and Cities Visited Below

A line of waterfalls over green cliffs


State of Rio de Janeiro

State of Santa Catarina

State of São Paulo

A long colorful alley stretches down a narrow road with tall trees narrow in the background in Colombia, South America


Capital of Colombia

Bolívar Department

Meta District

Antioquia Province


Capital of Ecuador


Azuay Province

Cañar Province

Guayas Province

Loja Province

Pastaza Province


Tungurahua Province

Baños de Agua Santa


Capital of Peru


Arequipa Province


Cusco Province


Ica Province


Maynas Province


Nasca Province

Nazca Lines

Puno Province

Urubamba Province

Old Sean in South America

On several occassions, I traveled to South America, flinging myself into the mountains and forests as often as I could. Vast tracts of these regions are undeveloped, making travel difficult, but profound. Fighting and striving to see new sights gave my journeys a further quality.

The nations of South America are kinder and more gracious than any others I’ve been to. No matter where I wandered, people lent aid and I merely had to walk outside in quaint parks to banish loneliness. Some of the best people I know call this portion of the world home.

As always, South America is a part of the world I’ve both invested substantial time in and miss dearly. I hope to return again for further exploration someday.

Best regards and excellent trails,

Old Sean