Resting in Dallas: Dallas Downtime

“Find peace so stone might be jealous. Find passion so fire might be intrigued. And find motion so winds must be loosed to keep up.” – Old Sean

Rotating Home Base

This week marks my very last week in Dallas.  With the dawn of 2019, I will resume my immense wanderings and mockery of stability. 

But lest readers just assume I’ve been sucking on lemons for a month, I’ll briefly mark down where I’ve been for the past month.

Despite technically staying rooted in Dallas, I managed to go on three separate road trips when I was supposed to be staying “home.” 

I took a trip to Choctaw, a second trip to Austin which extended into a trip to San Antonio.  And finally, a flight to Virginia.  Which extended into another road trip to Delaware.

I like the quiet life.

In Durant, I spent a night gambling away nickels in Durant’s Choctaw Casino.

While visiting Austin, I joined someone else on a short philosophy-oriented adventure.

While going past Austin, I spent some time playing a Christmas-themed Dungeons and Dragons game with some old university friends.

I also remembered the Alamo by going to the Alamo in San Antonio.

The Dallas skyline near a garden space

Around Dallas

Anyway, while not terribly mobile, I haven’t been inactive.  While in Dallas I got to attend a Stars hockey game, wandered around Arbor Hills, sold a bunch of furniture, went to the Dallas Museum of Art, took care of a small, unhappy menagerie of farm animals during a violent rainstorm, ate numerous Pokeball-shaped pastries, devoured numouer Santa-shaped pastries, helped some folks move with a borrowed pickup truck, threw a tree down a cliff, grinned, went to a post-prison empowerment session, ate a pineapple burger at Spiral, watched Spiderverse avidly, hit up Nerdvana to talk about politics while claiming supremacy on Mario Kart, put all my change in shot glasses before depositing the money-shots at the bank, looked at a solar panel installation job because I’ve never been to Alaska and attended a gala, where ran into a lot of people from the past randomly.

Additionally, I went to a Christmas party with singing and provided general mayhem to the grey people of Earth.

So despite having a home base, my time in Dallas wasn’t without events.

A cannon on a Civil War Battlefield

Visiting Virginia

Best of all, I was briefly reunited with a mildly incredulous family in Richmond Virginia and Delaware. 

My father’s getting remarried soon, so it was nice to meet all the new step-siblings in the north. 

Otherwise, there were some Civil War battlefield wanderings in which everyone unsuited to bushwhacking complained about my route choice. 

With that, happy holidays and Merry Christmas. I plan on joining the numerous semi-cynics of my generation as they wail about the past year and grimly set their eyes on 2019.

I, for one, think 2019 will be a hoot.  I found a fortune-teller who warned me my death to be terribly mundane.  Choking on an apple.  Sneezing myself in front of an oncoming bus.  Slipping on elitist bathtub soap.

Perhaps this year, the hoot will finally catch up to me.

Part of me is haunted by that hoot.  Amused.  But haunted.

Anyway, back to traveling.

Happy New Year, best regards and excellent trails,

Old Sean

Written December 31st 2018

Want to read more about visiting Dallas? Check out the Leftfade Trails Destination Info Page

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