Visiting Charlotte NC: Art Attempts

“We can’t be everywhere, but seeing absent friends improve so drastically between meetings is a wonderful arriving revelation.” – Old Sean

Roundabout Return

Following my time with my brother in Savannah, Georgia, I drove inland until I reached Charlotte, North Carolina. I was there meeting my friend Merm, who I met in China during my last stint abroad.

I’d last seen Merm during my extensive tour of North America. During my last road trip, Merm had been locked in an unyielding rotation of stressful situations.

However, things seem to have improved substantially since then. Currently, she’s doing much better and she seems tangibly happier with her lifestyle choices.

During my visit, we cooked at home often and I completed my normal work each day. We also spent some time visiting her campus while she completed art projects.

Absent Art

Somewhat bored, I was offered to play around with pottery while Merm completed her more serious class projects. I was gifted a bowl Merm had made, which I promptly ruined with a criminal amount of glaze. I half-expected it to turn out obsidian-colored.

The other project we did on campus, was a chalk design for a bike race that was winding through campus. The idea was that when the bike tour came through, they would pass over the artworks, encouraging them on their route. Unfortunately, I wore ill-advised dark pants and quickly earned chalk splotches across my clothes,

Now, my brother is something of an astounding artist with skills honed by love for the craft, professional teachers and relentless practice.  My sister too, has a wealth of skill in the department, though her career veers a different direction.  The family bloodline is thick with visual epiphanies and talent.

And then there’s me.  I make stick figures.  And 60% of the time, observing people can tell that they’re stick figures.  Forty percent of the time, they tell me “Aw, that’s not how you make a letter, buddy.”

So instead of crafting masterpieces, I doodled stars, and a grotesque Pikachu waving a racing flag.  Unsatisfied, I added a bunch of Mario Kart power ups. Finally, I added some lines that looked like the colored footprints of a man dragging a shattered leg through the word “Go!

Last Leg Trip

With my artwork complete and Merm handling the majority of decent drawing, I said farewell once more. I stayed one more night and drove into Colfax to visit my grandmother.

We spent the day catching up, watching drone footage and eating a copious amount of food. I waxed poetic regarding my travel stories and we had a splendid time.

After a short pause, I was prepared to push onwards. Soon, I’d be going to Washington D.C. to visit one last friend before leaving the country once more.

Until then,

Best regards and excellent trails,

Old Sean

Written May 1st 2019

Read more about visiting Charlotte and seeing the world by checking out the Leftfade Trails Destination Info

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Old Sean Written by: