8 Excellent Options for Volunteering Abroad

Volunteering Abroad to Travel

Volunteering abroad is one of the most fulfilling ways to see the world.  Having the ability to travel while also providing important and profound services is nourishment for the spirit in ways that are difficult to overstate.

The world is filled with volunteer opportunities.  These are generally extraordinarily safe, vital and wholesome experiences.

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A figure in a long dress carefully places harvested grapes into a blue, plastic container


One of the most famous volunteer organizations in the world, World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms provides a network for people to learn, travel and volunteer all at once.  

The program works through accredited organic farming communities which have lodging available for volunteers. The volunteer jobs are available on almost every continent.  

WWOOF’s goal is to provide culture exchange, organic farming knowledge and techniques and ecological knowledge to all of their volunteers.  Their programs generally require a minimum of several weeks of commitment, but are universally hailed as rewarding.  


Work-study programs are usually divided between professional development and linguistic development.  

A work-study program involves a volunteer heading to a foreign country to practice a new language.  In exchange, the volunteer provides a service, such as cooking, teaching English or working in the hospitality industry.  

The other type of work study program is oriented towards professional development.  In this case, a work-study professional heads to a new country to both practice their skills and promote their career.  For example, a chef might attend an international culinary program for the sake of learning new techniques and skills while continuing to cook for a living.

Figures toss down bricks from a large stack, placing them on a pulled cart before moving them to a different location to being construction


Peace Corps

The Peace Corps is likely the most famous volunteer program in the world, for good reason.  As an independent agency of the United States, this program operates as a ten month program designed to fight poverty across the world.

The culturally immersive program sends volunteers to nations with social, financial, ecological or economic issues.  Members of the Corps then provide education, sanitation, construction or restoration skills to aid  struggling communities. 

The Peace Corps provides a small cash stipend for qualified volunteers.

Plants grown and thrive inside a glass-ceiling tropical conservatory

Environmental Volunteer Services

Many of the volunteer tasks in the world are specifically oriented towards stewarding the planet.  These programs focus on nature conservation, animal rescue, public education and ecological restoration.

Every country has some form of animal conservation efforts which can be volunteered for. This includes National Park Volunteer Jobs (United States), Sea Turtle Rescues (Guatemala), Sloth Habitat Restorations (Costa Rica) or Elephant Sanctuary Construction (Thailand).  

Trail Restoration

For people truly committed to living outdoors, it is possible to work for trekking and hiking volunteer organizations.

These organizations maintain, build and restore hiking trails in the deep wilderness.  This sort of volunteer position generally involves months on trails, building bridges, removing deadwood, restoring walkways and constructing markers.  

An empty classroom with wooden benches looks upon a blank blackboard.

Volunteer Teaching Programs

One of the best ways to volunteer is through teaching.

Volunteer teaching programs are spread across the world and willing to accept teachers of any level.

It is important to note that most of these programs are for teaching English, so people with a TEFL or TESOL certification tend to have an advantage.  However, there are numerous other programs as well, including culture exchanges, skill training, physical fitness lessons or advanced construction and engineering workshops.

United Nations Volunteer

It is possible to volunteer through the United Nations organization as well.  Volunteers receive a monthly amount of money called a Volunteer Living Allowance.  

There are numerous volunteer positions, each dedicated to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.  These positions address issues such as human rights development, infrastructure projects, access to education and counter-climate-change measures.  

The United Nations Volunteer Programs usually include additional training and a fair amount of qualifications, including a university degree or prior work experience.  However, the organization is wonderfully organized and highly beneficial to local communities.

A tropical beach curves with a shallow bay, numerous trees and white sands

Assistant Field Work

For the most intrepid of volunteers, its possible to find volunteer (or paid) positions as an Assistant Field Worker.  

These jobs usually follow scientific teams into obscure parts of the globe where research is being conducted.  As a field assistant, volunteer responsibilities are vast and varied.  

Uncovering dinosaur bones, testing water pollution levels, taking plant samples, cleaning deep-sea research vessels or tracking animal migration patterns all fall under this domain.

Though volunteers in this field aren’t the ones segmenting and compiling data, there’s always plenty to do for volunteers in this field.  


Volunteering abroad is the most wholesome way to see the world.  The experiences are beyond fulfilling.  They are also beneficial to the world at large and unique.  Volunteering is a method for giving back to a planet that provides humanity so much vibrancy.

Want to read about firsthand experiences while working abroad? Check out the Leftfade Trails Blog