“When one sees an elephant, a person can understand how something can be both totally… Read the postVisiting Chiang Rai: Pranks of Giants
“The internet is entertaining. An Asian night market street might be the only thing similarly… Read the postVisiting Chiang Mai: Art of Old Wall Walks
“We can easily burn ourselves out from overwork. But for proper incineration, give me novelty… Read the postVisiting Bangkok: Neon Paradox Kingdom
“I think I feel the same amount of pleasure when I see a monk on… Read the postVisiting Vientiane: Temple Tourist
“Time is so vast and we know next to nothing about our roots. But what… Read the postVisiting Phonsavan: Motorcycles and Minefields
“Nothing convinces me to go on a diet like a economy-class airplane in Southeast Asia.… Read the postVisiting Luang Prabang: Lounging in Laos
“Most of life feels like a dream. I can only believe it after recording it… Read the postVisiting Hanoi: Strictly Business
“It’s astonishing to me that there’s always at least one human who will look at… Read the postVisiting Harbin: A Light in the Ice
“All of a person’s world is comprised of the same thousand people. You simply find… Read the postVisiting Guangzhou: Halo on the Spire
“Traveling for work is odd. There’s an element of exhaustion, often nothing feels real and… Read the postVisiting Wuhan: Gilded Water Towers
“When you go anywhere, know you’ll morph slightly and profoundly on arrival.” – Old Sean… Read the postVisiting Seoul: The Food-Stride Jaunt
“I dread the day when we visit stores to buy our canisters of compressed, clean… Read the postVisiting Tianjin: Hazy Winter Cities
“Capitals are unlike all other cities in a nation. The gravity they grant themselves through… Read the postVisiting Beijing: Middle Kingdom Stronghold
“I’ve learned to be homesick for every city I’ve lived in, every city I’ve loved.”… Read the postDeparting Chongqing: Up, Easy and Out
“Nature forcefully inspires the most awe among those without roofs,” -Old Sean Trains and Sri… Read the postVisiting Colombo: Clash and Winds