Departing Beijing: A Farewell to China

“Over a year in Asia and I’ve not learned more than ten sentences in Chinese. An opposite of an accomplishment.” – Old Sean

Farewell China

After a year abroad, I’m finally leaving China. Now that I’ve left Asia, my various services will be available in Europe.

I’ve been hired to create travel brochures in Europe. My next half-year will be spent exploring an entirely new continent. This will be my third time in Europe, after visiting twice during my time in University.

A rounded red temple space overlooking a large lake in Beijing

Reflections on Departing Beijing

My time in China is now at a close with no immediate intentions for returning. 

With this in mind, I’d like to mention a few interesting though potentially unflattering things regarding the country. 

I felt a bit uncomfortable broaching these thoughts online while residing within national boundaries of China. The country has an infamous censorship bar and it’s only grown stronger since I first arrived.  But with my departure comes a bit of honesty.

So, goodbye, China.

Goodbye to a blanket of smog, and cheap, delicious food delivered right to my door, and old people trying to nudge their way in front of me in lines.

Goodbye to a well-dressed populace, safe night streets and taxis without backseat seatbelts.

And goodbye to spicy Hot Pot, the delightful utilities of Wechat (which I’m sure is recording my every thought) and endless frustrations revolving around VPN’s.

Goodbye to the kids I teach, who laugh when I fall down, the piles of Peking duck and the sweaty, crammed subway rush-hours.

Goodbye to bikes being used as construction blocks and artful hutongs serving Chinese traditional treats.

Farewell to garishly busy national holidays, tiny, palm-sized dogs and a strange, national fixation on country world records.

Goodbye to friends and coworkers and bosses and fellow expats.

It’s been weird.

So thanks.

Best regards and excellent trails,

Old Sean

Written May 20th, 2018

Read more about things to do in Beijing by visiting the Leftfade Trails Destinations section.

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Osprey Backpacks

Ten years ago, I abandoned my military surplus store backpack for a Farpoint 40 Osprey Travel Pack. I’ve never replaced my bag since. Two years ago, I bought two more Osprey Backpacks for my younger siblings on their first tour outside the country. The backpack has been with me around the world, through my departing Beijing and onwards through trips across Europe and South America. I have nothing but praise for Osprey Products.

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