Leftfade Trails Photography Ownership Policy

Leftfade Trails and Old Sean use pictures and other images on this website.

Product or Logo Images

Some of these photos are products linking to recommended third parties recommended through affiliate links. These images are used to promote material, products, services and goods this site believes in. These images, advertisements and promotions are not owned by Leftfade Trails.

Public Domain Images

Some of these photos are used to portray content or topics found on the blog. These images are used to better portray content by making content easier to read, consume or understand. Many of these images may be found elsewhere online, as they are part of the public domain. Under the terms and policies of use from third party websites, these images are allowed for free and commercial and noncommercial use across print and digital, except under the “what is not allowed” portion of their website. The images used from third party public domain websites are being used in accordance with the terms on their websites. Such third party online sites include Pixabay and Wikimedia Public Domain Images.

These images may be found on third party domain websites. They may be used in accordance to the company or website policy from third party web pages. No image found on Leftfade Trails may be directly downloaded, modified or used for commercial or noncommercial reasons.

Leftfade Trails Images Property

However, the vast majority of the images found on Leftfade Trails, most especially in the blog section, are the personal creations and property of Old Sean and the website. These images include actual places visited in person by the website creators.

Photos and images created by the website creator and author, Old Sean at Leftfade Trails (leftfadetrails.com) have all rights reserved and are Copyright © 2015-2022 material.

Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the aforementioned author (Old Sean) and website owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Old Sean and Leftfade Trails with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.”

The logo and name of Leftfade Trails is likewise original Copyright © 2015-2022 material, all rights reserved.

Affiliate Link Notations:

Affiliate Disclaimer: Leftfade Trails contains affiliate links, so using services or products through these links supports the website, at no extra cost to the user. All links are to tested services and products designed to aid travelers on their journeys. Some links specifically connect to Amazon. As an Amazon Associate this website earns from qualifying purchases.

Images of Linked products visiting other websites are used to supply better illustration and navigation to users. These products and images are not owned by Leftfade Trails and their use is permitted through Affiliate, Associate or other partnerships. For example, images leading to Amazon products are through the Amazon Associate Program.