Interesting Things To See In Nara Japan

An Overview of Nara

Nara is one of the most beautiful temple regions in Japan, home to many ancient Japanese Buddhist temples which shelter numerous artifacts around the city. The city is known to host the Seven Great Temples of Nara, as well as numerous lesser, but still ancient buildings. One of the most iconic features of Nara are the peaceful herds of deer which lounge in parks and rest near the temples. The deer have remained a feature of the region for centuries and are known as “Bowing Deer” as they often dip their heads when tourists feed them specialized crackers. Between Nara’s modern infrastructure, its many temples and lovely deer, there are many interesting things to see in Nara.

A deer standing between two stone pillars in Nara Japan

Interesting Things To See In Nara Japan

The Seven Great Temples

The Seven Great Temples of Nara are vital historical temples which flourished when Nara was Japan’s capital prior to 795. The Temples include Todaiji (Great Eastern Temple), Saidaiji (Great Western Temple), YakushijiHoryujiKofukujiGangoji and Daianji (Great Peace Temple).

Yakushi-ji Temple

This large temple found in the western portion of Nara is one of the most famed and vital imperial Buddhist temples in Japan. It was once considered one of the seven Great Temples of Nanto. The temple is dedicated to Chinese monk Genjo-sanzo, famed for his extensive travels to India and Central Asia.

Tōshōdai-ji Temple

This is a Buddhist Temple of the Risshū sect. The temple is known as a splendid example of the “classical style.”


This is a bright red Shinto Shrine in Nara, famed for its many bronze lanterns within. The walk up to the shrine is peaceful, as the entire pathway is lined with rows of stone lanterns.

A stone pool seated on an island with a bamboo spout and ritual cup in Nara Japan


This bridge leads to a quite gazebo overlooking the lush grounds around Sagiike Pone

Mount Wakakusa

This large hill overlooks Nara and is especially well known for the massive Wakakusa Yamayaki Annual Fire Festival. During this festival, the grass upon the hillside is lit, allowing flames to engulf the entire mountain. The origins of the festival are debated between an ancestorial honor festival, a life-renewal festival or a entering the new year celebration. The festival takes place annually on the 4th Saturday of January.


This is a beautiful Japanese garden preserved wince the Meiji era. It’s the only walking garden found in Nara.


This large temple once served as headquarters for a nationwide network of temples and Buddhist organizations. The temple long served as a center of learning with texts, preserved writings and codified sutras which were translated. One of the most unique features of the temple is the Buddha’s Nostril. This is a pillar with a hole in it. Legends state that those who climb through the gap obtain the capacity for enlightenment.

A deer near a line of stone lanterns covered in moss in Nara Japan

Bowing Deer

No mention of Nara would be complete without the bowing deer of Nara. The deer are known to bow to visitors upon being approached. This is a learned behavior, as the deer are more likely to receive treats if they do so.

Kasugayama Primeval Forest

Protected by commands from the Kasuga Shrine, this untouched, centuries-old forest has been protected since 841. The area is filled with truly breathtaking scenery, including ancient maple and cedar woods, winding mountain trails, narrow waterfalls and moss-graced Buddhas.

Kōriyama Castle Ruins

Far removed from the main temple district, this Japanese castle is the surprisingly intact 16th-century fortification found in a quiet park filled with cherry blossoms.

Read more about interesting things to see in Nara and seeing the world by visiting Leftfade Trails Blog.

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