Visiting Bạch Mã National Park

An Overview of Bạch Mã National Park

Bạch Mã National Park is a stunning protected area in central Vietnam, known as a prominent eco-tourism destination in towering, heavily-forested mountains. The national park is home to diverse animals, a wide range of flora, over 40,000 hectares of pristine land and numerous streams and mountain waterfalls. Visitors can hike trails, wander tunnels, lounge near water, spot wildlife and enjoy endless overlooks.

An old bell atop a mountain in Bạch Mã National Park

Tips When Visiting Bạch Mã

When visiting Bạch Mã National Park, be aware of the extreme difference in elevation between the low shores and mountain peaks. The increased altitude can result in faster dehydration and shortness of breath. Be sure to bring extra drinking water.

When exploring Bạch Mã National Park, visitors are advised to wear long pants and sleeves to deter leaches and insects. Sturdy hiking shoes with good grips are also recommended, as the paths are often rocky or slippery.

The weather in Bạch Mã is somewhat unpredictable, so both sunscreen and ponchos are good to bring along.

There are several swimming areas in the national park, so bringing a swimsuit may be a good idea.

Note that many of the trails through Bạch Mã National Park are simple foot-trekking paths and are not clearly marked. Be sure to be informed and bring a map following routes.

A series of distant forested mountains in Bạch Mã National Park

Points of Interest in Bạch Mã National Park

Five Lakes Trail

This is an excellent, slightly challenging upwards trail which accesses parts of Bạch Mã’s pure, natural beauty. The route includes climbing, visiting 5 clear mountain lakes, several low waterfalls and one swimming lake.

Rhododendron Trail

This is a beautiful jungle trail which treks out roughly 10 kilometers to the stunning Do Quyen Waterfall.

Pheasant Trail

This is one of the main hiking trails in Bạch Mã National Park, cutting through lower elevations through evergreen forests and a series of waterfalls.

Hai Vong DaiBạch Mã Peak

Atop the summit of Bạch Mã, there exists a small overlook building 1,250 meters above sea level. The mountain peak offers impressive views over the valleys and lowlands in all directions.

Clear green-yellow lakes in Bạch Mã National Park

Ngu Ho Lakes

Ngu Ho, which literally translates to “Five Lakes,” are the fairy-tale streams and lakes which make up a mountainous water-system. The waters here change between rapid white flows bubbling over rocks, thin streams of low waterfalls and perfectly clear pools with colored stones scattered across the bottom.

Do Quyen Waterfall

Known as Rhododendron Waterfall in English, this is the most famous waterfall of the region. It flows over a 300 meter-high cliff in a twisting, white stream. The waterfall earned its name due to the rhododendrons which bloom on either side of it, giving springtime an extra layer of enchanting beauty.

Truc Lam Zen Monastery

Located on the banks of the Hồ Truồi Reservoir in the Loc Hoa commune, this monastery is home to peaceful grounds, an ancient pagoda and a large Zen complex.

Địa đạo Bạch Mã

Much of Bạch Mã is traced by various underground tunnels burrowing into the soft soil of the mountain. These narrow walkways, which gained heavy use during guerilla operations in the American War/Vietnam War, delve through root systems and small pathways. The tunnels often have tiny bats living within them, which are protected creatures. Visitors are asked to tread carefully and not speak to avoid disturbing them.

Read more about unique things to see in Bạch Mã National Park and seeing the world by visiting Leftfade Trails Blog.

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