A Guide To Visiting San Ignacio Belize

An Overview of San Ignacio

Located on a hill in the western portion of Belize, San Ignacio is a popular tourism town excellent for enjoying outdoor activities, ruin explorations and lively markets. The beautiful little town serves as a major hub for Belize’s eco-tourism industry, with easy access to amazing sights like the Rainforest Medicine Trail, the Mayan ruins of Cahal Pech or Tikal in nearby Guatemala. San Ignacio is considered the “outdoor adventure junkie” portion of the country.  It has access to many diverse activities including ruin explorations, zip lines, cave rafting, and trekking routes.  With easy access to attractions, excellent eateries and an active nightlife scene, there are many unique things to do in San Ignacio.

A field with two narrow trees in Belize

Advice For Visiting San Ignacio

English is the most commonly spoken language in Belize, with some locals understanding Spanish due to Central American influences.

San Ignacio can easily be reached by road. The town is attatched to the nearby community of Santa Elena and reachable via Loma Luz Blvd. To head the opposite direction, travelers can go across the one-way Hawkesworth Bridge.

When visiting Belize, travelers often require special sunscreen when swimming to prevent ecological damage to reefs, cenotes and other marine structures.

Belize businesses don’t open very early.  Most restaurants and shops open between 8 and 10 AM, depending on the location. When heading out for early morning activities, it’s best to have breakfast prepared in a traveler’s lodgings.

Renting a car in Belize is highly, highly recommended.  Public transportation, such as buses, are infrequent and somewhat spotty.  Belize is a very spread out country, meaning car rentals give the best amount of autonomy and the ability to explore, unless exclusively doing activities through tours. 

Four Wheel Drive is recommended for Belize, especially the more backcountry areas.  Major routes, such as to well-traveled national parks and main roads don’t require it.

United States Dollars are accepted virtually everywhere and the vast majority of locations also accept credit cards.  However, there is a charge fee for cards.  Travelers are recommended to simply bring USD cash.

Driving along Western Highway, one of the main highways through Belize, is very easy as it is well-paved and clear.  However, to limit roadkill there are many sharp speed bumps spread across the highway as well as occasional police checkpoints. 

Water shoes are recommended for cave-tubing tours, as some of the hikes and walks are difficult to manage with bare feet.

Unique carved ruins in the Maya style found outside San Ignacia

Unique Things To Do Near San Ignacio

Macal River

The Mascal River is the small river going past the city. The riverside has a decent walking path where locals swim.  There are also small trails leading to ruins within the city

Green Iguana Conservation Project

This is a somewhat small conservation project dedicated to local fauna protect and rehabilitation. As the name implies, the conservation project mostly focuses on iguanas.

Cahal Pech Maya Ruins

Within the city, there are a series of heavily weathered ruins. The Cahal Pech Mayan Ruins aren’t terribly impressive, but they’re authentically preserved and not touristy. The ruins only cost $5 USD to enter.

Tikal Mayan Ruins

These are likely the most famous Mayan Ruins on the planet, potentially tied with Mexico’s Chichen Itza.  The Ruins are on the Guatemalan side of the border, so the only way to visit efficiently is via tours or planned border crossings.  Passports are required when crossing the border.

Belize Botanical Gardens

This is a quaint and pleasant garden area found near the Macal River. The gardens have wooden pathways, blooming flowers, small huts and knowledgable guides.

Xunantunich Maya Temples

These are a series of very impressive and steep ruins alongside a major Mayan ceremonial center.  The ruins are accessed by crossing a thin river. There’s a free ferry which carries visitors across.  Entry into the ruins costs $5 USD. Walking to the ruins from the local bus stop or parking area is easy, as the hike is a little under one mile across paved terrain. 

Cappello’s Art Gallery

This is a small, unique and intimate art gallery in San Ignacio which specializes in local artworks.


Mincho’s is an amazing and locally famous burrito shop.

Ko-Ox Han Nah

This eatery is a surprisingly good Chinese restaurant which also serves various flavors of milkshakes.

Authentic Flavors

This local eater serves Garifuna-styled food and traditional Belize meals.

Crave House of Flavor

This is another excellent restaurant located in downtown San Ignacio.

ZipLine and Cave Rafting Tours

There are several agencies and tour groups available for zip-ling adventures and underground river tours. However, most of the agencies tour the same areas around Pine Ridge.

A waterfall tumbling into a pool over stones outside of San Ignacio in Belize

Natural Areas Near San Ignacio

The Mountain Pine Ridge Nature Reserve

This is a large, amazingly diverse patch of mountainous land to the south of San Ignacio.  The Reserve has numerous swimming pools and rivers (Rio on the Pools) that don’t get crowded. There are also several intense waterfalls (Big Rock Falls) which visitors can swim around. Additionally, travelers can explore nearby river caves while swimming within (Rio Frio Cave).  There are also many smaller trails and hikes available.  Most of the park can now be accessed with two wheel drive thanks to gradual road development.

The following features can also be found within Mountain Pine Ridge:

Pinol Cascades

This is a small series of waterfalls falling into a rounded pool with grilling area and swimming pond nearby.

1000 foot falls

An immense and breathtaking waterfall which thunders down in a white cascade. To reach the overlook for the falls, the main road is now paved, but the last 10 miles is dirt and rock, very rough in spots. A capable off-road vehicle is recommended.

Barton Creek Cave Reserve

This is an underground river cavern that can be accessed by using certified canoe tours. The cave has evidence of Maya ruins and artifacts within.

Granite Falls

A series of swimming pools and low rock waterfalls popular with small groups.

A jungle cat lounging in a tropical forest in Belize

Interesting Activities Between Belize City and San Ignacio

Western Highway is the major highway connecting Belize City to the interior.  There are a few points of interest along this route.  

Belize Zoo

This is a fantastic, small zoo which doubles as a wildlife education and rescue shelter.  You can feed the Tapirs flowers which fall from nearby trees, see spider monkeys, look through the forest habitats for large cats and observe native birds.

Monkey Bay Wildlife Sanctuary

This is an offshoot sanctuary connected to and managed by the Belize Zoo. This is a jungle sanctuary for the diverse species of monkeys found in Belize.

Nohoch Che’en Caves Branch Archaeological Reserve

This is an underground network of limestone caves which pass through major archeological sites.  Tours can be booked for this location in advance online or through agencies in San Ignacio.

St Herman’s Blue Hole National Park

This is a large freshwater cenote and large water hole used for old Mayan priests.

Read more about San Ignacio and seeing the world by visiting Leftfade Trails Blog.

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