A Short Guide Around Cartago Costa Rica

An Overview of Cartago

Cartago is a Costa Rican city found nearby San José. The city once served as the old capital of Costa Rica. As a smaller urban environment, Cartago is somewhat smaller and nicer than the large urban bustle of San José. The city makes an excellent day trip from San José and can be reached by bus. The area is known for La Negrita, the Black Madonna Shrine found at Our Lady of the Angels Basilica and the vibrant rainforests of Tapantí Macizo de la Muerte National Park slightly outside of town.

A tire converted into a flower box in the shape of a red toucan in Cartago

Advice While Visiting Cartago

Costa Rica follows a lifestyle called Pura Vida, which is a cultural catchphrase which means to take life easy.  This means that food service and other shops tend to be somewhat on the slow side, but the overall relaxing nature of the country is excellent.

Water in Costa Rica is generally potable, thanks to the immense water reservoirs tied up in the mountain system.  While the country is generally quite safe, bus stations are known locations for pickpockets and muggings, and should be approached with greater caution. Buses can run from 15 minutes to 2 hours late, as they’re not on a firm schedule.

When in Costa Rica, expect to see people walking around openly with machetes a lot, especially outside the major cities. It’s the country’s version of a penknife.

The easiest way to reach Cartago from San José is by bus or car. The city’s various attractions are largely spread out, so when looking at attractions a rental vehicle, rideshare or tour group is a good option.

Low green hedges in front of an old temple wall in Cartago Costa Rica

Points of Interest in Cartago Costa Rica

La Flor del Café #2

This is a wonderful, standing café with strong coffee located near the entry point bus station and rail line for Cartago.

Ruinas de Cartago

Located in the main plaza area, this hollowed out church is filled with unique plants, flowers and shrubs.  The ruins are now considered a cultural heritage site, though originally they were part of a temple that was never finished.

Bascilica de Nuestra Senora de Los Angeles

Otherwise known in English as The Basilica of Our Lady of the Angels, this is a grand, white Roman Catholic structure dominating another very pleasant plaza. The Bascilica is known for enshrining the “Black Madonna.” Also known as the Black Virgin, La Negrita or Black Stone, this is a small, black rock which appears similiar to the Virgin Mary. La Negrita is the patron saint of Costa Rica.

A unique yellow flower in the shape of a hummingbird in Cartago Costa Rica

Lankester Botanical Garden

One of the most beautiful walk-through botanical gardens in the country, this garden is famous for it’s stunning display of hanging orchids. There are numerous tropical trails which have small streams, water features, sculpted gardens and pools with waterfowl.

Tapantí Macizo de la Muerte National Park

Located outside the city, this is a prominent and beautiful national park. The park is an excellent location for seeking out birds and has excellent overlooks of the forests below.

Irazú Volcano

Located slightly to the North of the city, this is an active volcano with unusually colored water resting in the center. The landscape is morphed by winds and volcanic activity, giving many of the areas nearby a moonscape appearance.

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