Exploring the Orange Walk of Belize

An Overview of the Orange Walk

Also known as Orange Walk Town, this is the sugarcane-exporting Mestizo district of Belize.  The Mestizo District of Belize is where numerous Spanish and Mayan refugees during the Caste War settled permanently. The region is also home to preserved Mayan culture.  This is perhaps one of the most naturalistic areas to visit within Belize, found slightly to the north of Belize City.

Advice For Visiting Belize

Renting a car in Belize is highly, highly recommended.  Public transportation, such as buses, are infrequent and somewhat spotty.  Belize is a very spread out country, meaning car rentals give the best amount of autonomy and exploration, unless exclusively doing activities through tours. 

Four Wheel Drive is recommended for Belize, especially the more backcountry areas. 

United States Dollars are accepted virtually everywhere and the vast majority of locations also accept credit cards.  However, there is a charge fee for cards.  It’s recommended to simply bring USD Cash for transactions within the country.

Points of Interest Along the Orange Walk of Belize

Lamanai Archaeological Reserve

This is a fairly sizeable Maya ruin with unique faces carved into stone surfaces. The name of the ruin, Lamanai, means “submerged crocodile” in the Maya language.  The reserve features three large main temple structures, an open plaza, numerous restored stelae and a pok-ta-pok ball court.

Crooked Tree Sanctuary

This is a supremely colorful and remote bird sanctuary dedicated to the safety and sanctuary of local tropical birds and other migrating species. It’s a wonderful place to relax.

Honey Camp Lagoon

This is a large freshwater lagoon which is held in a shallow bowl of limestone. The lagoon is approximately 9 miles away from the nearest Orange Walk Town. The quiet lagoon is known to be a soothing and relaxing destination without many tourists.

Las Banquitas House of Culture

This is an art and history museum combination dedicated to the unique culture meld found around the Orange Walk.

La Milpa Archeological Site

Surrounded by dense tropical forests, this is the third-largest ancient Maya ruin found in Belize. The heavily weathered ceremonial center is found upon an elevated limestone ridge with numerous temples, dwellings, public gathering locations and courtyards.

Read more about the Orange Walk of Belize and seeing the world by visiting Leftfade Trails Blog.

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