Points of Interest Around Uvita Costa Rica

An Overview of Uvita

Uvita is a quaint town on the Pacific Coast near the Osa Peninsula. The town is famed for it’s laid-back atmosphere, stunning beaches, numerous eco-lodging oppertunities and clear waters found in the Marino Ballena National Park. The area is also known to be a perfect viewing point for watching migrating humpback whales. Other wildlife in the region includes coral, turtles, dolphins and large lizards.

Advice For Visiting Uvita

The main bus to reach Uvita is Bus Station Tracopa LTDA, which is located neighborhood of south San José.  Be sure to check route times, as some buses take a much wider loop requiring four and a half hours, while direct busses are closer to three hours.  Tickets may be purchased at the terminal on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Parque Nacional Marino Ballena is open to the public for international visitors at a rate of $6 USD. 

Punta Uvita is a famous sand-bar for beachgoers that’s only accessible during low tide.  There are portions of the beach that are somewhat rocky, so sandals or flip-flops are advised.

The Uvita Bus Station is at the same location as the information center.  On Google maps, this is labeled as Parada de Autobus de Uvita Tracopa LTDA.

A sunset overlooking Uvita from a round white table

Points of Interest Around Uvita Costa Rica

Catarata Uvita 

This is a nice, inland waterfall that’s easy to access with a small entrance fee of 1000 colones. The parking lot leading to the footpath near the waterfall has limited parking.

Restaurante Maracuya 

This is an excellent restaurant close to the Uvita bus-stop area.  The venue is good for general meals and it has numerous other eating options nearby.

Marino Ballena Restaurant 

This is a popular and upscale seafood restaurant located near the town center of Uvita.

Le French Café 

This is a small pastry café found on the route leading towards the beaches near Uvita.

A sand dollar on a table near a flower centerpiece in Uvita

Parque Nacional Marino Ballena 

Ballena Marine National Park is the official national park surrounding Uvita beaches.  It was created as part of the Osa Conservation Area to protect humpback whales during migration season. Entry from this area is $6 USD for foreigners.

Playa Chaman 

This is a large, free access beach south of Parque Nacional Marino Ballena. There are almost no crowds in this area, allowing guests enjoy the beach freely.

Ponte Uvita 

This is a famous penninsula-sand-bar that can only be accessed during low tide. The sand bar has a distinct “whale tale” shape and is a popular spot for spotting dolphins.

Read more about visiting Uvita and seeing the world by visiting Leftfade Trails Blog.

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