Unique Activities in Bajos del Toro

An Overview of Bajos del Toro

Bajos del Toro, meaning “Low Bull,” is small village located in a valley bisected by a pair of rushing rivers. The open, interior valley follows a wide lush zone between mountains. The views in this area are stunning, with high peaks, cloud forests and beautiful trails. Bajos del Toro is a popular zone for many outdoor activities, including waterfall rappelling, ATV trips, riverside hikes, mountain explorations and swimming. As a relatively undeveloped part of Costa Rica, the lush natural settings and incredible waterfalls of the region allow for many unique activities in Bajos del Toro.

A dog and cat seated outside a home in Bajos del Toro

Advice While Visiting Bajos del Toro

The majority of the publicly accessible waterfalls found around Bajos del Toro are closed on Sundays. Nearly all the waterfalls in the region are privately owned by families who live in the valley, so they set the visiting hours and prices for entry.

Catarata del Toro is the most famous and impressive waterfall in the area.  It has an additional gated platform a person can climb, provided the land-owners are not too busy.

There are trails leading from Bajos del Toro up the sides of Poás Volcan, but these are protected national land, and they’re illegal to access independently.  Tours or solo entry from the main entry on the east side are recommended.

Bajos del Toro can be visited via bus through Grecia.  The schedule is the same every day, but the bus often runs late.

Driving to the areas around Bajos del Toro will require 4×4 vehicles and offline maps.  Internet access is spotty and roads alternate between paved concrete and gravel.

A dog in front of a mountain and cloud forest in Bajos del Toro

Unique Activities in Bajos del Toro

Parque Nacional Juan Castro Blanco

Also known as “Parque de Aguas” or “The Park of the Waters,” this is a large and impressive national park which protected mid-elevation wet forests in the region. The park is home to several ancient archeological sites and the largely undeveloped area is a paradise for bird watchers, with the possibility of spotting peacocks, quetzal, black turkeys, and falcons. Several species of monkeys also call the park home. Parque Nacional Juan Castro Blanco also has hot springs, rivers and three volcanos in its borders, including Porvenir Volcano, Platanar Volcano and El Viejo Volcano.

Pesca de Truchas Nene

This is a nice little restaurant in the valley with great scenery, a number of small ponds and views of the mountains. The restaurant-hotel is one of the first seen when entering Bajos del Toro from the West and it has free, relatively stable WIFI available.

La Terraza del Café de Logan

This is a small, excellent coffee house with breakfast options.  The café has stable WIFI available.

Blue Morpho Lodge

The Blue Morpho Lodge is a relaxing hotel attatched to a great little restaurant. It’s a wonderful place to stay, with informative hosts and great access to the waterfalls nearby. The lodge is somewhat locally famous with signs being posted for it a few times throughout the valley.

Cataratas Rio Agrio

This is one of the many waterfalls found in Bajos del Toro. The waterfall can be reached by following an easy hiking trail, with the entrance including a “Dinoland” near the front entrance. Dinoland has several life-sized dinosaur models which occasionally emit electronic roars. The waterfall itself is a large, white-water torrent falling on slick rocks below, all withing a dense, Jurassic-esque jungle. There’s a small fee to enter the trail.

Catarata del Toro

Of all the waterfalls in Bajos del Toro, this one is perhaps the most famous and popular. The dramatic torrent cascades into the crater of an extinct volcano, surrounded by jungle, hummingbirds and reddish stone. The roads leading to the trailhead are paved, making it easy to reach.

Poás Volcano

This is one of the most famous active volcanos in the region known for its active steam vents, the green lake at the bottom of the crater and cloaks of mists. The volcano can easily be seen to the south while exploring Bajos del Toro, but for the time being, there aren’t any public trails leading to it. Visitors are advised to book tours or visit the volcano from San José.

Bosque de Paz Biological Reserve

This is a small, private patch of jungle land with an attatched garden famous for its vibrant high-elevation orchids.

Escondido Treasure Waterfall

Also known as “Hidden Treasure Waterfall,” this is another amazing waterfall found in Bajos del Toro. The waterfall can be found after a short, moderately difficult hike up a forest trail and across a footbridge. The cascades into a vividly blue pool of an unusual hue.

Tesoro Escondido Waterfall

This waterfall can be reached after a small hike just outside of town. The waterfall tumbles into a large natural pool visitors are allowed to swim in. The site has bathrooms available and a place where guests can buy food.

Catarata Vuelta del Cañon

Undoubtedly one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Costa Rica, this tall, narrow waterfall tumblines into an enclosed pool, which then flows into a far smaller waterfall surrounded by a soft curve of moss. Accessing this waterfall may require a guide, as the trail is somewhat complex and crosses the river leading to it multiple times.

Cataratas Finca Dos Ríos

This is a wider waterfall which spreads across a broad, rocky and mossy surface while falling into a broad, turquoise pool.

Cascada Pozo Azul

This is the largest waterfall in Bajos del Toro, falling into several gorgeous swimming holes. There are four seperate swimming holes along this route.

Blue Falls (Catarata Las Gemelas)

Following a short hike, this vividly blue waterfalls tumble down a low cliff, right beside one another. The large waterfall has a pool which visitors may swim in.

Read more about Bajos del Toro and seeing the world by visiting Leftfade Trails Blog.

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