Unique Things To Do In Saint-Émilion

An Overview of Saint-Émilion

Saint-Émilion is a gorgeous French commune in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region. The stunning town and surrounding vineyards were listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site for their cultural landscapes. Saint-Émilion is known for it’s phoenomeonal medieval architecture and it’s presigious red wines. The town is the oldest active wine-producing community in the Bordeaux region, it’s history harkening back to ancient Romans. There are many unique things to do in Saint-Émilion.

The vineyards around Saint-Émilion

Unique Things To Do In Saint-Émilion

The King’s Tower

Located inside the battlements of Saint-Émilion, there stands a quadrangular tower. The 13th centrury keep is a profound symbol of Saint-Émilion’s architecture with rising walls, old stones and a small series of natural caves.

Wash Rooms

These open air pools, once used for washing, are currently wading features where visitors cool their toasty heels while walking thorugh the city.

Monolithic Church

This iconic feature of Saint-Émilion is an underground church hewn from limestone. The church is attatched to an impressive 68 meter rising belltower, built against a rocky cliff backdrop.

An overview of a medieval city

St. Emilion Church

This is a quiet, dignified religious structure, but it’s the cloister interior and plaza space which deserves the most praise.  Sharp artworks, gilded with reflective paint depict intense and colorful story images across stone-and-wood walls.

Great Wall

This stone wall is the modest remainder of a huge Dominican convent from the 13th century. The convent buildings were eventually broken down due to political and military issued during the events of the Hundred Years War (1337-1453). French troops taking refuge in the convent delibertly destroyed most of the structure, leaving a single stylish wall intact. The remaining “Great Wall” is a scenic addition to the stunning wine fields around St. Emilion.

A narrow alley in Saint-Émilion

Cloitre des Cordeliers

Well shaded, this bar is hidden in the old ruins of an former old monastery building with a supremely classy shopping interior.  The bar aspect sells drinks and food, including French baguettes and other snacks. The entire venue is magnificently oriented with the beautifully preserved walls of the town.

Château Coutet

Located a half-kilometer away from the village of Saint-Émilion, this gorgeous centuries-old wine estate offers tours amongst the beautiful building and surrounding vineyards.

Read more about unique things to do in Saint-Émilion and seeing the world by visiting Leftfade Trails Blog.

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