Unique Things To See In Akumal Mexico

An Overview of Akumal

Akumal is a coastal resort town in Mexico known for its white sands beaches, shallow warm waters, thriving sea turtle currents and access to narrow coral reefs. The area is far less crowded than Playa del Carmen and Cancun, making it an ideal place to relax. Despite the laid-back vibes, there are several unique things to see in Akumal, including caves, artworks and shoreline walks. Note that when trying to reach the beach, it’s common for con-artists to block a person’s path and demand a fee. However, the beach can be accessed from many locations without a fee. Simply find another road leading to the shore and take that route.

A rough rocky shoreline with tidepools looking out over the ocean near Akumal

Unique Things To See In Akumal

Half Moon Bay

Known in Spanish as Bahía de la Media Luna, this bay is found slightly to the north of Akumal. The area has a rocky shoreline with numerous tide pools and crystal clear waters which are excellent for snorkeling.

Yal-ku Lagoon

This is a popular, if somewhat pricey, natural marine park which visitors and families can paddle through shallow bay waters while looking at multicolored fish and other marine life.

Aktun Chen Parque Natural

Though pricey, this is a large rainforest park known for it’s flowing underground river which guests can swim through. The park includes various activities, such as swimming, ziplining and cave explorations.

Akumal Trail

This long walking trail follows the coast, leading from beach to beach past leaning palm trees and stunning patches of tropical wildlife. There are various points where visitors can step off the trail in into the waters for snorkeling such as Punta Escape del Sol or the Strand Riviera Maja beach.

A mural in Akumal depicting a a figure on a blue background and other symbols

Akumal Art Walk

Found right off the main highway, this nexus of roads and walls showcases some incredibly beautiful murals, visable for travelers heading towards the shore from the nearby town.

Cenote Puerta Maya

This is a large, open water cenote with about one or two meters of depth.


This is part of a tour which leads to a private cave system, known for seasonal groups of butterflies, quiet caverns and peaceful cenotes.

Akumal Monkey Sanctuary

This is a small animal rescue sanctuary specializing in native primates with an attatched souvenir shop which sells handmade indigenous crafts.

Read more about unique things to see in Akumal and seeing the world by visiting Leftfade Trails Blog.

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