Interesting Sights Around Blumenau Brazil

An Overview of Blumenau

Nestled within green hills, Blumenau is a beautiful city in southern Brazil, filled with German-styled, half-timbered structures. The city is famed for it’s robust annual Oktoberfest parade and large festival-town Christmas celebrations. In keeping with its heritage, there are several unique attractions in the city, including the Beer Museum and the Itoupava German-cultural farming village to the north. With beautiful rivers and mountains nearby and an interesting culture thriving in the city, there are many interesting sights around Blumenau.

A German-stlyed festival town with numerous Christmas lights throughout in Blumenau Brazil

Interesting Sights Around Blumenau

Vila Germanica Park

This miniture town found in the city center is a large, German-styled tourist village particularly beautiful for it’s Oktoberfest celebrations and Christmas lights during the holiday seasons.

The Best Açaí

Açaí is a regionally prominent health snack and dessert flavor. The Best Açaí is a good dessert shop serving Acai Berry treats, including gelatos and ice creams.

Balburdia Cervejeira 

This is a nice, somewhat popular bar found on the main restaurant street of Blumenau.

A bird near a lake with a tall building and sunset in the background

Parque Ramiro Ruediger

Parque Ramiro Ruediger is a large park with an active fitness community, large lake, running track and good sunset views. It’s easily found in the city’s center.

Neumarkt Shopping Mall

This is a nice shopping mall with a cinema and food court. It’s one of the larger indoor venues in the city and remains an excellent place to relax during hot weather.

Pastelaria Carmen 

This is a great bakery with holiday-specific pastries and coffee options. The local-recipe pastries are especially rich.

Itajaí-Açu River

This is the main river of Blumenau. While there are only a few walking trails following the river, people who pass it can often spot Capybara resting on the green banks.

Museu da Cerveja de Blumenau

Otherwise known as the Beer Museum of Blumenau, this museum touches on the region’s history of beer production with additional displays showing antique brewing equipment.

The ocean and skyline of Balneário Camboriú

Balneário Camboriú

During holiday events and public holidays, much of Brazil migrates to the coast, where various beautiful resort town put on vast firework displays and parades Balneário Camboriú is a popular resort city and the main holiday retreat destination from Blumenau. The two cities are roughly one hour apart when driving. Balneário Camboriú includes unique attractions like the brightly lit Christo Luz statue, the Central Beach boardering high-rise skyscrapers and the easily-recognizable Barco Pirata pirate-themed party boat which patrols the bay.

Museu de Ecologia Fritz Müller

Ecology Museum Fritz Müller is a history museum dedicated to the life and discoveries of Fritz Müller, an influential biologist. The museum is filled with displays regarding his life as well as many animal specimens his research was rooted within.

Reogio das Flores

This is a large, functional clocked decorated in carefully-cultivated flowers.

Glaspark Blumenau Museum

This is a splendid museum dedicated to the art of glassworking. The interior hosts a vast display of glass objects, art pieces and colorful furniture.

Parque Nacional da Serra do Itajaí

Found directly to the south of Blumenau, this is a sprawling national park with wide forests. There are many species native to Brazil thriving in the region, including hawks, cougars, capybaras, margays and white-bearded antshrike.

Read more about interesting sights around Blumenau and seeing the world by checking out the Leftfade Trails Blog

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