Unique Things To See in Arequipa Peru

An Overview of Arequipa

Arequipa is a unique city best defined by it’s surrounding volcanos. Serving as the colonial-era capital of the Arequipa Region, the city is filled with beautiful baroque-styled buildings crafted from sillar, a gorgeous white-volcanic stone. The city is easy to walk throughout, with many unique attractions including a towering cathedral, artistically carved stone quarries, hot springs and nearby Incan ruins. With its beautiful buildings, numerous eateries and interesting outdoor features, there are many unique things to see in Arequipa.

A red walking alley in a monastery in Arequipa Peru

Advice While Visiting Arequipa

Bus rides leaving from Arequipa to Lima take roughly seventeen hours of driving. While flights may be preferable, overnight buses are quite cheap.

Bus rides leaving from Cusco to Arequipa take roughly eleven hours of driving.

Regardless of what bus station is being used to travel through Peru, a small amount of cash is needed to enter the bus platform.  Usually this amount is between one and three soles. 

Arequipa is easy to walk, as much of the central district is flat and easy to navigate. Be weary of taking taxis, as this is the most common tourist scam in the city.

The tap water throughout Peru is unsafe for consumption. Don’t drink the tap water, though showering with it is fine. Be cautious when ordering drinks with ice, as it’s possible ice is made with tap water.

Unique Things To See in Arequipa

Mercado San Camilo

This is the large shopping area south of Centro Arequipa. Aside from offering numerous tourism souvenirs, there are normal supplies, fruits and other everyday goods.

Cloisters of the Company

This is a small and beautiful plaza with intricately carved pillars. The plaza leads to a complex of shops and restaurants.

Plaza de Armas

This is the large central area of Arequipa surrounded by numerous beautiful arches and shops. It’s dominated by fountains, palm trees and the stunning Basilica Cathedral of the city.

Basilica Cathedral of Arequipa 

This is an immense and gorgeous stone cathedral created from Arequipa’s famous volcanic white stone.

Santa Catalina Monastery

This is a large, operational monastery complex open for tours to the public. The monetary complex is known for its bright walls, unique artworks and being part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site “Historical Centre of the City of Arequipa.

A massive canyon overlook with terraced farming fields

Colca Canyon

This is a large canyon with stunning views near Arequipa. It’s a popular trekking location, primarily offering three-day treks through its compelling scenery. The are is home to the giant Andean condor, green sheltered valleys and isolated traditional villages with terraced farms which predate the Inca Empire.

Barrio de San Lazaro

Barrio de San Lazaro is one of the older neighborhoods in Arequipa, crafted from the original volcanic stones. The white walls house numerous pubs, eateries, interesting shops and traditional streets.

Selva Alegre Park

This is a small, quaint park to the north of Arequipa central area.

Mundo Alpaca

This is a unique little museum with alpacas and llamas on display. The museum specializes in wool and textile products, especially those made through traditional methods.

Canteras de Sillar Anashuayco

Sillar, the white volcanic stone central to Arequipa’s most iconic architecture, is found here. This vast quarry has been converted into a tourist attraction by carving the walls of the region into unique designs and sculptures.

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