Points of Interest In San José Costa Rica

An Overview of San José

San José is the capital of Costa Rica and the most populated urban environment in the country. Roughly 2/3’s of Costa Rica’s population lives in the central valley which is dominated by San José’s urban sprawl. Though the city is an excellent place to access the rest of the country, San José has relatively few points of interest beyond the central shopping avenue. The primary transportation through the city is by taxi and those wishing to explore areas outside the city should look at long-distance buses. As a major metropolitan center, petty crime is somewhat common in the city, with precautions against pickpockets and theft being wise.

Points of Interest In San José

Central Avenue

Central Avenue the enormous, somewhat crowded central shopping area of San José. The street has most of the city’s major storefronts and restaurants. Visitors wishing to walk around San José usually stay close to this street.  It’s wise to beware pickpockets while exploring this touristy portion of the city.

Plaza de la Cultura – National Theater of Costa Rica

The Plaza de la Cultura of San José contains a small public square and several nearby shops. The most compelling nearby attraction is the National Theater of Costa Rica. The interior of the theater is extremely beautiful and it also has a café open to the public which serves stunning food and traditional dishes.

Poás Volcano

Found just to the North of San José is a large volcano which remains a popular tourism site for those staying in the city. The famous and imposing active volcano has simmering hot pits and constant thermal activate, making it an interesting place to visit.

A dark interior museum showing humanoid figures in the Jade Museum of San José Costa Rica

Museo de Jade

A unique and well-designed museum in San José, this location focuses upon the history of the jade trade throughout Central America prior to European colonial arrival. The museum includes three stories displaying jade artifacts and other native tools under excellent, haunting lighting.

Pre-Columbian Gold Museum

Found in San José’s city center, this museum is located underneath Plaza de la Cultura. The museum is filled with indigenous gold artifacts and pieces of jewlery predating Spanish arrival to Central America.

Museo de Arte Costarricense

Found on the Eastern edge of La Sabana Park, this indoor and outdoor art museum showcases various sculptures and works from Latin American artists.

Read more about points of interest in San José and seeing the world by visiting Leftfade Trails Blog.

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