“It’s daunting to consider the cost of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in modern currency and… Read the postVisiting Granada: Interlocked Alhambra
“It’s not where you go or what you do. It’s who you go forth with.”… Read the postVisiting Seville: A Companion in Transience
“Still alive, still wandering, still meeting all the most lovely people. Luck follows me closer… Read the postVisiting Orlando: Classic Footsteps
“I suspect that I would’ve made a good tour guide if I wasn’t so wildly… Read the postVisiting Miami: Paintbound Blur
“What more can I see aside from that which is sought and witnessed by me?”… Read the postVisiting San Juan: Lingering the Rest
“There’s a very special color of water which drifts around the rims of Caribbean islands,… Read the postVisiting Bridgetown: An Endless Return of Seas
“Live for stories and they’ll give the chaos an iota of meaning.” – Old Sean… Read the postVisiting Arouca: Barely an Airport Visit
“I thought my eyes accomplished, orbs which had seen a most varied number of oddities.… Read the postVisiting Willemstad: Curaçao Colors
“There are many merits to seeing the world. There is much to be enjoyed through… Read the postVisiting Bogotá: Left Theft
“For the most part, those World Heritage Sites truly earn their names and reputations. Color… Read the postVisiting Cartagena: Core Colonial
“All that humans have built came with a certain amount of mortal defiance.” – Old… Read the postVisiting Phoenix: Landing Firebirds
“I haven’t owned a car in years. Public transportation has turned into my longest-ever game… Read the postVisiting Mattoon: A Good Day for Play
“I have no trouble pacing myself on my endless journeys. But matching the pace of… Read the postVisiting Raleigh: Devoured Knuckles
“Go where things grow, grow where barrens reign, go where sights climb and emptiness reigns.”… Read the postVisiting Atlanta: Wonderland Wanderland
“Home is the place where others are thinking of you.” – Old Sean Exiting East… Read the postVisiting Dallas: Kittens on the Homefront