15 Best Travel Vlogs for Experiencing the World

Excellent, Inspirational Travel Vlogs

Travel vlogs are the most popular form of media for traveling in the modern era.  Travelers have learned to share their expertise and adventures in an entirely new and exciting format, by recording themselves and their journeys.

Vlogs remain one of the best ways to inspire travel.  Aside from showcasing the world more accurately than ever before, travel vlogs also provide insights to new locations, guides on how to travel safely and narrative adventures on life itself.  The format is particularly useful for world education and experience.

Below are some of the best travel blogs out there to help inspire nascent explorers on their own journeys.  

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Gone with the Wynns

Jason and Nikki Wynn are a pair of modern day documentary filmers who have been traveling the planet since 2011.  Though they started living their nomadic lifestyle by touring in an RV, they eventually sold all their goods to buy a sailing boat.  Currently, they travel the world with quirky conversations and an apparent growing love for obscure places on Earth.


Marko and Alex Ayling are two brothers currently traveling the world.  Though they didn’t initially spend much time together, this extended journey has changed that dramatically.  The pair started online creating extensive content with other figures.  Their destination videos are heavily focused on culture and entertainment.

Sailing La Vagabonde

For those truly dedicated to stepping into the unknown, Riley and Elayna have created a vlog unlike any other.  The couple from Australia began sailing the world despite having absolutely no previous sailing experience.  Not only do they provide an interesting how-to guide on their strategies, learning curves and adventures, they do it all while raising their son, a toddler named Lenny.

Fearless and Far

There is travel rooted in tourism, travel rooted in adventure and travel rooted in experience.  Mike, the founder of Fearless and Far, explodes past all of these.  The intense adventure traveler explores the most bizarre and interesting aspects of the entire world in his wild-experience storytelling format.  

Dave and Deb

This is the vlog channel for Dave and Deb, the immensely famous founders of the Planet D.  The pair are extremely interesting full-time travelers who have fine-tuned their lifestyle since 2008.  For general adventures and access to vagabonding for everyone, this vlog can’t be beat.

Kombi Life

Kombi Life is the spear-tip of van-travel and van life.  Following the journeys of Ben Jamin, these videos are honest looks at the pros and cons of living out of a van while touring some of the largest and most diverse countries in the world.  

Lexi Limitless

An incredible traveler, Lexi holds a world record as the youngest-ever traveler to visit all 196 countries prior to turning 21.  Her adventures continue to circulate online with extreme popularity as she continues to showcase new locations and experiences.

The Bugeteers

This trio of friends (Paddy, Thijs and Lina) have traveled the world, primarily rotating through SE Asia.  The group claims to be able to travel on an extreme shoestring budget, which they do with amazing wit, and humor.  Their videos are well-structured and amusing to watch.

Travel Yourself 

Following the stories of solo-traveler Cailin O’Neil, this travel blog considers both the good and bad aspects of traveling.  Cailin is excellent at navigating the pitfalls of exploring the world while also capitalizing the rewards and benefits of such an endeavor.  Her work focuses on local experiences, especially unique foods for each place she visits.  

Lost LeBlanc

Christian LeBlanc is head of a travel movement designed to experience the entire world to the fullest.  He describes his journeys with intense passion, weather he’s hiking through waterfalls, lounging at airports or experiencing new cities.  His fanbase, Team Get Lost, has grown exponentially over the years.

Hey Nadine

Nadine is a rising authority in destination travel advice.  Her videos are enjoyable to watch for her energy, while also providing tangible advice and insights for various locations.  She is able to guide new travelers across the world safely to some of the most interesting and profound experiences at each destination. 


This travel vlog follows the enormously strange Elton Castee, who emerged as a viral sensation after a series of prank videos.  His travels are outlandish and designed to amuse.  Part of his hook is breaking World Records, which he’s managed to do multiple times.  His work has successfully raised over $500.000 dollars for charities across the world.

International ME

Angela An is a unique traveler, since she primarily focuses on the wonders of Japan.  Though originally from New Zealand, she travels Japan to find secret spots hidden across the country, spending extra time carefully documenting directions, points of interests and the sublime beauty found within the country.  

Hopscotch the Globe

One of the best how-to travel vlogs in the world, this vlog is crammed full of content and information designed to teach people how to travel the world while generating content.  Kristen and Saya prove themselves delightful and informative throughout the entire Youtube series. 

Chasing Bubbles

This documentary is less of a recurring Travel Vlog and much more of a standalone film.  The story follows the poignant adventure of Alex Rust who set out to explore the world at age 25.  His story is unparalleled, following four years of relentless and spectacular adventures aboard a sailing vessel.

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Starting your own travel vlog? One of the best resources out there is the adventure camera itself, the GoPro. The device works amazingly in any environment. I recommend using it with a few spare memory cards and two spare batteries. The only other piece of equipment I bring for my GoPro is the headband attachments and extension stick. The entire set is light, small and durable enough to give me the full range of motion when I’m traveling in rough locations. I also feel more comfortable walking around openly with my GoPro than my personal device. I’m currently using the GoPro Hero9 Black, though there are more recent models available. I upgrade about once every two or three years.