Visiting Beijing: Back in Beijing

“Though in terms of miles, I’ve circled the world several times, this return to Beijing marks a total encirclement of the globe from 2 years ago.” – Old Sean

Full Sphere

After an extended layover in Seattle, I’ve finally returned to Beijing.

That’s a full circle from nearly a year-and-a-half ago.

Back in March, I managed to wiggle my way into Europe, spending months in various counties in that particular hemisphere. 

After hopping across the pond, I racked up a considerable amount of time in various US states and Canadian provinces, primarily Alaska, Texas and Philadelphia. 

Finally, after a brief jaunt down to Colombia, South America, I’ve closed the loop, landing in Beijing on Saturday of last week.

A stone Chinese structure in a park in Beijing

Visa Works

My time visiting Beijing was brief. I spent a grand total of two visa days slumming around the city, visiting a fair number of my old haunts. 

Unfortunately, the visa office of my company did an exceptionally poor job of virtually everything, failing to pick me up, warn me when my next flight out was or really provide any sort of communication.

That’s alright though. 

Despite having a slow professional start, I still managed to revisit Beihai Park, an old favorite space of mine. Later, I spent a meal at Slow Boat, my favorite brewery in this hemisphere. 

While walking around the city, I spent a few hours eating pastries next to the lily ponds in full bloom, hiked across Qiongdao Island, made two laps of Jingshan Park and finally took the Subway to visit an old friend near Dongshikou.

Overall, it was a nice breather before I flew out to my actual assignment, a Director of Studies position in Hohhot, China.

For those of you who don’t know Hohhot, China, that’s to be expected.  It’s not very big on the world stage and China’s eastern metropolitan powerhouses overshadow this little gem easily. It’s where I’ll be based for the reminder of the year.

So off to Inner Mongolia. Until then.

Best regards and excellent trails,

Old Sean

Written August 2nd 2019

Read more about visiting Beijing and traveling the world by visiting the Leftfade Trails Destinations section.

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Osprey Backpacks

Ten years ago, I abandoned my military surplus store backpack for a Farpoint 40 Osprey Travel Pack. I’ve never replaced my bag since. The backpack has been with me around the world, through my departing Beijing and onwards through trips across Europe and South America. I have nothing but praise for Osprey Products.

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