Visiting Delaware: Longland Departure

“It’s all one journey, but segmenting points along it helps clarify the memories somewhat.” – Old Sean

Otherly Gone

After a casual road trip up the east coast of the United States, I’ve finally arrived in Wilmington, Delaware to see my father. This is my final stopping point before I head abroad once more.

I spent my time sorting out the last few things I needed for my trip to South America, donating my extra clothes, cleaning my gear, packing with impressive foresight and working enthusiastically in a billiards basement each morning. 

During breaks, I joined my father at his favorite local restaurant Stanley’s Tavern. My father wasn’t feeling his best, so this was our only real outing.

But that was it. My extended road trip through the United States was complete. The purpose for this trip was to deliver my family’s old, rattling Buick to my father. The car managed to chug along, from one corner of the vast US to another through the power of unabashed tomfoolery.  (There are so many words in English that deserve to be used more.)

Finally, my father dropped me off at the airport. I’m currently on my flight out of Orlando heading to Bogota.  I’ll be staying in South America for a few months while I learn Spanish and become accustomed to life in Colombia.

Away we go again.

Best regards and excellent trails,

Old Sean

Written May 7th 2019

Read more about visiting Delaware and seeing the world by checking out the Leftfade Trails Destination Info

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Merino Wool Travel Buff

I often travel with a piece of equipment called a “buff” or “magic scarf.” This simple tube of stretchy fabric is the ultimate multitool. It can be a sleeping mask, a head covering, ear covers in cold weather or a scarf. I highly recommend the Multiuse Merino Wool Travel Buff. The two I’ve used have lasted since 2016. They’re versatile, tough, handy and machine-washable.

Old Sean Written by: