Visiting Family: A Momentary Feast

“Real, indulgent gluttony is a combination of privilege and gumption.” – Old Sean

Thanksgiving in NC

While I’m not in any hurry to travel, I always try to make time to see family during the holidays while I’m in the US.  It’s rare that my entire family can attend events anymore.

This Thanksgiving, I drove to my Aunt’s home in Virginia and caught a ride to North Carolina, driving through the countryside to my grandmother’s home.

This post will be tremendously short, since it’s less of a travel-post and more of a familial gathering.

Around Grandma’s Home

At Grandma’’s home, we spent a lot of our time sitting around, eating incredible amounts of food, preparing Thanksgiving dinner and playing games which required a lot of people and humor.  I met uncles, aunts, cousins, siblings and grandma, whittling hours away while catching up with everyone’s lives.

During evenings, we walked along the sides of lakes and into the nearby golf courses. On other occasions, we picked up snacks and lounged often.

Returning to DC

As mentioned, this was a short trip.  It didn’t involve much wandering and exploring.  As far as travel-vacations go, it was simply enormously restorative.  

For now, I’m content.  I’d rather not do too many trips over the next couple of months and instead focus on work that needs to be wrapped up.

So until then,

Best regards and excellent trails,

Old Sean

Written November 25th 2022

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iClever Remote Keyboard

Sometimes, when traveling, I don’t have a dedicated workspace. But the iClever Remote Keyboard solved this for me. The remote, folding keyboard is light and compact, allowing me to type on any surface to any device. It’s instrumental in operating this site.

Old Sean Written by: