Visiting Loches: Weep for Small Splendor

“Take your tourist moments where you can get them.” – Old Sean

Nothing But A Juice

After spending a day in Tours, I went out to find breakfast, munching down a strawberry crêpe until my bus rolled into town. While my ride had a considerable delay, I wasn’t in a hurry anywhere. My next assignment was in Pamplona, but due to bus schedules, I’d be spending a “free night” in Toulouse, catching up on paperwork.

However, part of getting to Toulouse involved a stop visiting Loches to wait for a train. A very short stop. I only had about forty-five minutes walking around, sipping a juice before I launched off again.

Which was an enormous pity. Loches makes an incredible first impression for first-time arrivals.

Tamed woods and white stone buildings decorate the town, and I believe you’d be hard pressed to find a city in France that is more pleasant to pass through. Narrow streets of pale walls with dark rooftops line the roads. The Château de Loches hovers over the scenery, almost cloudlike and mystical for it’s colors and spires.

Rapid Tourist

With a little time to spare, I took an extremely swift walk around town, crossing Pont de la Gare to loop past Tower (former church) Saint Antoine. I continued to jog-amble down a few streets before rushing back to the train station, unwilling to cut time too close.

I probably shouldn’t have hurried. I got back with ten minutes to spare and my train didn’t leave for another fifteen minutes.

But all said and done, Loches was beautifully to see, however briefly.

I’m on my way to Toulouse now. From here, I’ll spend some time resting before catching yet another bus into Spain.

Until then,

Best regards,

Old Sean

Written July 30th 2018

Read more about visiting Loches and seeing the world by visiting Leftfade Trails Destination Advice.

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Old Sean Written by: