Visiting Niagara Falls: Frost-Mists on Cliffs

“Astonishing what forms come from the mists.” – Old Sean

Frost Driver

After spending one full day and night in Montréal, I hopped back into my rental car, driving swiftly towards Toronto.

I stopped for a brief time in Ottawa and ate a long lunch on the banks of the Ottawa River before eventually reaching Toronto. The entire trip was a sleep-deprived blur. I slumbered for a night in Toronto after finishing a little work, eager to see Niagara Falls the following morning.

A lamppost covered in icicles overlooking Niagara Falls

Visiting the Falls

There’s an episode of The Office where the cast visits the Falls. Jim, played by John Burke Krasinski, states, “Niagara Falls used to be, like, a spiritual experience for people. They stayed in tents and it blew their minds. It’s really kitchy now, which is a lot of fun.”

There’s something to that. The Falls are a gorgeous, magnificent sweep of impossible beauty and nature. But instead of being a profound, spiritual movement for visitors, the arc is populated by casinos and mascots.

It has a habit of undercutting the splendor.

That being said, visiting Niagara Falls is still a marvelous experience. I was awestruck as I shuffled close to the Horseshoe Falls, seeing that the vast, nearby landscapes were coated in ice.

The mist from the falls covers everything in thickening layers of ice.  Huge spikes of frozen water spear down from virtually every surface and if not for the liberal application of salt, the ground would be dangerously slippery.

Because the majority of the ice is formed by endless mist, the layering of cold is unique. Branches which were once tiny twigs turn into thick rods in gnarled patterns. Railings are deep black with layers of ice gradually emerging.

And all the while, water roars, sending occasional chunks of ice over the edge. The tower of mist is unabating, causing ice to crystalize across eye lashes.

A frozen tree near Niagara Falls

Stateway Ferry

After my time at the falls, I needed to begin heading back into the US.

To cross the border, I found an empty ferry which would bring me to Route 69, after which I would attempt to outrun yet another storm on my way to Chicago. The ferry chugged along slowly, allowing me to lounge outside in the cold, reading books from the 1950s.

Soon, I’ll be back in the United States, en route to Chicago, hopefully before the aforementioned storm hits.

Until then,

Best regards and excellent trails,

Old Sean

Written January 18th 2019

Read more about visiting Niagara Falls and nearby Toronto visiting Leftfade Trails Destination Info.

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iClever Remote Keyboard

Sometimes, when traveling, I don’t have a dedicated workspace. But the iClever Remote Keyboard solved this for me. The remote, folding keyboard is light and compact, allowing me to type on any surface to any device. It’s instrumental in operating this site.

Old Sean Written by: