Visiting Odense: Swept Upon the Hedges

“In retrospect, I’m not a big fan of speed traveling. I feel like I’ve missed out on substantial aspects in life when I travel through an area too quickly.” -Old Sean

Entering the Islands

After a very short visit to Billund’s Lego amuseument-town, I headed towards the city of Odense on the island of Funen. Here, I had a full afternoon to wander and explore Denmark’s third-largest city.

Odense is upscale and impressive.  Surrounded by forests, complete with a Riverwalk and (slightly rough) zoo, it’s a really pretty town to walk through. There are paddle boats to drift around on, playgrounds with nifty statues and grassy knolls to for scenic rests.

The landscape, compact city and community structure are all peaceful and well-maintained, a constant theme for travelers visiting Denmark.

Strictly speaking, I didn’t have any assignments while visiting Odense. Rather, my company was more interested in a nearby estate, known as Castle Egeskov.

After a short tour of Odense and a late lunch, I headed over to the castle ground.

A wooden pillar with a vampire carving at Egeskov Castle outside of Odense

Castle Egeskov

By far, my favorite aspect of Odense is Castle Egeskov

Egeskov is a beautiful combination of amusement park, palace and expertly manicured gardens.  There are Dracula themed dungeons, a hanger full of antique cars and biplanes, motorcycles strung from a low ceiling, an enormous hedge maze, a skywalk through the treetops, and the castle itself.

Egeskov Castle is a fantasy structure. It’s a large, brick, 16th century castle with turrets and dozens of windows rising directly out of a grass-framed lake. It’s almost impossible to take a bad photo of the beautiful site without cramming a thumb in front of a camera’s lens.

Several suits of armor in Egeskov Castle outside of Odense

Hauntings at Egeskov

Egeskov Castle has a few exceptionally interesting features, including an intricate dollhouse.

This dollhouse was designed by a master craftsman upon his daughter noticing the fairies living in holes on the castle grounds.  The mini-palace is painstakingly designed so classy fairies can live in the finest, tiny-decadence creatable. 

Egeskov Castle is also famous for it’s ties to a haunted legend. The castle has an attic with a clearly demented looking doll lying awkwardly in the rafters. Nearby a plaque states “Egeskov’s wooden doll which according to the legend must never be moved- or the castle will fall into the water Christmas night.”

That’s some grade-A creeptastic stuff. 

Various mounted heads of hunted animals from within Egeskov Castle

A Royal Armory

Added to the impressive castle is a vast collection of armors, various bladed and gunpowder weapons. There were knight helmets with plumed feathers and delicate golden patterns etched along joints. There was also a large painting of cavalrymen seated on horseback. Finally, the armory was also home to several blankets and quilts stitched with family crests and sigils.

The castle continued to impress. Adjacent to the armory, there was a small trophy room.

The room was stuffed enough mounted animal heads to cover virtually every wall. Also nearby was an ostentatious lounge area filled with decadent furniture, rich wallpapers and stylized table-decorations. Finally, there was also an upstairs attic filled with roped-off children’s toys.

I strongly recommend Egeskov for visiting.  So far, it’s been my favorite way to spend a few hours in Denmark.

A peacock  seated under a cannon at Egeskov Castle outside of Odense


Sadly, that wraps up my time visiting Odense. I’m due in Copenhagen tonight, taking a late-evening bus to a hostel before I spend a few days in the city.

By now, my mind is a blur. Less than 24 hours ago, I was leaving Hamburg and heading into Denmark. Since then, I’ve spent a night camping in Kolding, a morning interviewing and working in Billund and Egeskov.

Every place just listed deserved more time than I gave it. I’ll be happy to lounge briefly in Copenhagen long enough to catch my breath.

Until then,

Best regards and excellent trails,

Old Sean

Written June 6th 2018

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