Visiting Ventura: Conference Coast

“I certainly don’t trust my own mind after 2 AM, under any circumstances.” – Old Sean

Beach Break

Earlier this year, I spent some time in Baltimore visiting my friend Rubov and his friend circle. During this time, we hung out in soft snows and relaxed in the chilly weather.

I’m off to see Robov again. But this time, instead of hanging out on the East coast, we’ll be meeting in the West.

Following my time in LA, I took the car to the seaside retreat of Ventura, California. Rubov was here attending a work conference, so I had an hour or so to rest upon my arrival.

In light of this, I entertained myself during a long walk along the beach. I kicked past boulders, splashed in the surf and permanently infected my shoes with sand.

After Rubov’s conference was done, I wandered over to his hotel. Though we’re both sure I technically wasn’t allowed, Rubov smuggled me up to his hotel room. For the rest of the early evening, he covertly brough me food while I clacked away at paperwork.

As such, I did my my recent writing while eating chicken-and-rice out of a stealthy Starbucks cup.

Tree lights over a small eating space in Ventura California

An Evening in Ventura

When both Rubov and I finished our work, we had a rather active night around town. We joined two of Rubov’s colleagues, young ladies by the names Marita and Rachel, before getting dinner.

Over the course of the gradually deepening night, we floundered in hot tubs, strode moonlit shores, trailed through pools and played bar games at a local drinking hole aptly named “Tavern.”

This was an excellent place to whittle away the night. There was a jukebox serenading us, a worn pool table to demonstrate our amateur skill levels and dim colored lights above. There was also a peaceful outdoor plaza space to relax under Christmas lights.

Since we were visiting on a weekday, we had a significant portion of the place to ourselves.

Afterwards, we gathered our 2 AM breakfast at Denny’s, and staggered back to the hotel. Rubov artfully locked himself out of his hotel and we bothered the witching-hour staff until we were let in.

Finally, we went to sleep and that was the show.

Tomorrow morning, I’ll be driving north to visit yet another friend in Grover Beach, California.

Until then,

Best regards and excellent trails,

Old Sean

Large stones scattered along a beach in Ventura California

Read more about visiting Ventrua and seeing the world by visiting Leftfade Trails Destination Info.

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iClever Remote Keyboard

Sometimes, when traveling, I don’t have a dedicated workspace. But the iClever Remote Keyboard solved this for me. The remote, folding keyboard is light and compact, allowing me to type on any surface to any device. It’s instrumental in operating this site.

Old Sean Written by: